Medical Facts

According to a study by the University of Pittsburgh and Magee Women’s Research Institute for the Microbicide Trials Network, in collaboration with International Rectal Microbicides Advocates (IRMA), it was concluded that hyperosmolar water-based lubricants caused the most damage to the epithelium in the vagina. Of the lubricants tested, Turn On was shown to be one of the least harmful to epithelial tissue*.

*Other lubricants tested included Astroglide®, Elbow Grease®, Good Clean Love®, ID Glide®, KY® Jelly, Slippery Stuff®, Sliquid® Organic, PRÉ®, Replens®, and Gynol II®. **PRE® and Good Clean Love® were also found to have no cellular toxicity. Charlene S. Dezzutti, Elizabeth R. Brown, Bernard Moncla, Julie Russo, Marilyn Cost, Lin Wang, Kevin Uranker, Ratiya P. Kunjara Na Ayudhya, Kara Pryke, Jim Pickett, Marc-André LeBlanc, Lisa C. Rohan (2012) Is Wetter Better? An Evaluation of Over-the-Counter Personal Lubricants for Safety and Anti-HIV-1 Activity [Research Article] PLOS ONE 10.1371/journal.pone.0048328

"Not a day goes by that I do not mention your products. The availability in CVS and Walgreens has certainly helped."

Jacob Klein, M.D.

"Patients are happy with your products and I’ve told them they can find it at any of the major pharmacies."

Iliana Robinson, M.D. Ob/Gyn

"I’ve recommended TurnON to many of my menopausal patients and they love these lubricants. They are so happy to have a non-hormonal alternative for vaginal atrophy symptoms."

Erin Gertz, M.D.Ob/Gyn

"I am a menopause practitioner and a fellow of ISSWSH and a member of the International Society of Vulvovaginal diseases and my patients are loving TurnOn."

Robyn Faye, M.D.

"My patients LOVE these products. I have been recommending the silicone based lubricant to a lot of our patients, especially our post-menopausal patients who are now suddenly having pain with intercourse."

Anita Saha, M.D.

"I LOVE your products, and they are #1 on my list of recommended personal lubricants for my patients (as well as #1 off the shelf at home, but that is another matter). A major part of my practice involves sexual medicine, and I always counsel re: external lubricants. "

Michael Goodman, M.D.

" I prefer the silicone based lubricants for my post-menopausal and breast feeding patients. I end up writing “TurnOn” on pieces of paper and send patients off on a search to their local pharmacy!"

Stephanie Lee, M.D.